Principle Investigator
Gili is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In our lab, we study population genetic theory, eco-evolutionary dynamics, and conservation genomics. In addition, we are thinking about mathematical models and ethical frameworks for gene drives, an emerging population-genetic editing technology.

Research Associate
Keith completed his PhD in Zoology at Tel-Aviv University, studying evolution of signaling. At the lab, Keith is studying gene drive dynamics involving spillovers, as well as genotype-phenotype predictions and genomic signatures in ancient and contemporary human populations. He is also developing web-based tools to facilitate modeling and genomic research, such as DORA and modelRxiv.

Keren is an Azrieli postdoctoral scholar studying the population genomic and microbiome effects of fragmentation in Black Howler monkeys. Keren completed her MSc in Conservation Biology at Columbia University, and her PhD in Anthropology at the University of Toronto.

Adriana is studying genomic signatures in immune-related genomic regions across human populations. In her project, she is developing methods for using ecological and demographic data to explain genomic signatures in relation to disease burden experienced by populations. Adriana competed her PhD at the University of São Paulo in Brazil, where she studied the speciation rates of cnidarians.

Talia is a postdoctoral fellow studying social evolution. Using mathmatical models, she is looking into the eco-evolutionary dynamics that gave rise to cooperative behaviors such as hunting and foraging. Talia completed her PhD at Stanford University in mathmatical biology. Her project is a collaboration with Simon Levine and Daniel Rubinstein from Princeton University, and Erol Akçay from the University of Pennsylvania.

Slava is an evolutionary biologist working on eco-evolutionary modeling. In his PhD and postdoc at Haifa Uninversity he studied the evolution of recombination, and in the lab Slava is looking to study the integration of traditional biocontrols with gene drive releases. Slava's project is in collaboration with Prof. Adam Lampert from the Hebrew University.

PhD student
David is studying tree ecology and evolution, looking into the mechanisms that generate species range edges and bioregios. He is combining macro-ecological analysis, modeling of ecological and speciation processes, and common-garden experiments of Acacia (Vachellia) tortilis. David's project is in collaboration with the Klein lab at the Weitzman Institute.

PhD student
During his MSc, Ohad studied the evolution of social complexity in bees. Today Ohad is studying the impacts of fragmentation processes on the genetics of populations. He is taking a network-theory approach, and uses models to study population genetic dynamics.

PhD student
Eynav is a marine biologist studying populations of guitarfish in the Eastern Mediterranean. She is using both population genetic and ecological field methods to understand how enviornmental changes and habitat fragemntation is affecting the viability of this endangered species. Eynav's project is in collaboration with Prof. Dani Chernov and Dr. Aviad Scheinin from the Morris Kahn Marine Research Station (University of Haifa).

MSc student
Shahar is an MSc student in the biology program. She is interested in mathematical biology, and is working on modeling eco-evolutionary dynamics of gene drives under spatial heterogeneity. Shahar completed her BSc in Biology/Mathmatics in the Amirim program, and coducted her final project in the lab.

MSc student
Sefi is an MSc in the biology program. Sefi is working on development of phenotypic inference methods from ancient genomics. He completed his BSc in Biology/Mathmatics in the Etgar program, and coducted his final project on gene drive modeling in the lab.
High-school student (Alpha program)
Jonathan is a high school student in the alpha progam. He is working on eco-evolutionary modeling of gene drive dynamics on population networks. Together with Joanathan, their gene drive project has won several awards in Israel and abroad.
High-school student (Alpha program)
Shachar is a high school student in the alpha progam. He is working on eco-evolutionary modeling of gene drive dynamics on population networks. Together with Joanathan, their gene drive project has won several awards in Israel and abroad.
YUVAL TALMOR - Undergraduate student (CS Computational Biology Program) 2023-2024
EYAL HALUTZ - Undergraduate student (CS Computational Biology Program) 2022-2024
SHAHAR MAZIE - MSc in Computer Science (Computational Biology) 2021-2023
ROYI ZUR - Undergraduate student (Mathematics & Biology Programs) 2021-2022
GOLAN NAHALIAL - Undergraduate student (CS Computational Biology Program) 2021-2022
AMIR RUBIN - Postdoc, 2020-2021
YONATAN CHAMUDOT - Undergraduate student (CS Computational Biology Program) 2020-2021
OR AMAR - Undergraduate student (CS Computational Biology Program) 2020-2021